Tuesday, February 06, 2007

My other passion

Other than magic, another passion of mine is music. I grew up in a musical household. I love music of all kinds, from classical to rock to jazz to folk to blues to rap to electronica to alt country to stuff I really can't classify.

To my chagrin I don't play an instrument. My mom and her mom both played piano and organ. Some day I may learn. I tried learning harmonica once upon a time but my cat would have none of it - he howled and tried to rip the harp from my hands. Damn music critics.

In light of my love of music, I thought I'd introduce any readers I may have (hello? HELLO?) to a music site a co-worker shared with me: http://www.pitchforkmedia.com/. Wonderful alternative music (whatever that is these days...alternative to what?) and free downloads.


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