Sunday, May 06, 2007

The frustration of message boards

Ok, so I post something educational, enlightening and humorous in response to a question on a message board - I mean, you know it's the definitive answer because, well, it's me, right? Then I go back later and there are 17 responses after mine. A number of the responses mimic exactly what I've said, adding nothing, or say, "Me too!" A few say, "No way!," but provide no further information. Several point out spelling mistakes to some of the responses following my response. And at least one is a non sequitur that says something like, "But what about camera edits?," when the question asked about good books on mentalism.

Even if I gave the Rosetta Stone of answers to the poor git's question it'd be lost in the noise. But at least this blog's link would still show up in my signature, which was the whole point anyway.

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