Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Now there's an idea

I really need to start a notebook. I get spectacular ideas (well, in my estimation...) and then either don't write them down or write them down on a napkin and lose the napkin.

I know what the first entry in my notebook would be. I have a line I've wanted to work into a routine for a long time but have never found the right spot. Some day I'll forget the line. Here's that brilliant line I'm afraid of losing:

"How do I accomplish my miracles? Through a rare combination of Eastern mysticism and Western store-bought magic props."

OK, now that you're done rolling in the aisles... I know it may not be comedic gold to you, but it's a line that I think could really work for me - in the right routine, delivered the right way. And if I forget the damn thing it'll never happen.

If I just start that silly notebook, I'll have at least one entry, and my line will be safe.

At least until I lose the notebook...

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